Since time immemorial, the land we reside upon - Niitsitpiis-skahkoii (Original Peoples Land), holds sacred the oral practices of the Blackfoot Nations. This includes all people past and present from Siksika, Piikani, Kainai, Tsuut’ina, Stoney Nakoda First Nations, and the Metis Nation.
We gather today and honour with gratitude the land itself and the People’s stewardship through the generations. Let this acknowledgment serve as a reminder of our ongoing efforts to recognize, listen, and respect the land and People that we benefit from today. It is only through holding space for the truth that reconciliation is possible.
Southwest Collaborative Support Services (SWCSS)
SWCSS is the shortened name for the Southwest Collaborative Support Services. We work together in support of children, youth, and families in Southwest Alberta. Our cross-ministry partnership has representation from:
Alberta Children's Services
Alberta Community and Social Services
Alberta Education (public, separate, and independent schools)
Alberta Health Services
Addictions and Mental Health
Children's Allied Health
and First Nations (Kainai and Piikani Nation)
In the southwest region, the core partners are committed to continuing t0 work together to address the needs of children/youth and families with the resources available. SWCSS was launched on September 1, 2020 out of the ashes of the Regional Collaborative Service Delivery (RSCD). What started as a 7 person team, supporting allied health and low incidence needs in the region, has grown to become an incredible 21 person team supporting allied health, low incidence, and mental health needs in SW Alberta. Meet our team here!
For further information or questions about our work, please contact: Jodi Carmichael (Regional Coordinator) 403-331-9500